
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Its not real until I buy a ticket....

I  so refuse to buy a ticket although I know i run the risk of missing my first class. I dont want to go bk 2 that hell hole. Anyway enough bitching about my life being a perfect graveyard for buried hopes (thank you Anne of Green Gables). I agreed to step out of my house with Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort in my case is the most evils of evil boyfriends I had, he lied, he cheated, he cried, i forgave, he lied, he cheated, he cried i forgave, he lied and i said gtfo my house! The cycle ended. But recently I reopened that channel by answering the phone n such, but do I want him back???? Oh hell no! Forward ever backward never is the mantra with exes and i think all girls should adopt it. An ex is an ex for no reason, I digress... Anywho so i agreed to go out with him manana, why? I now need some lie to get myself out of it. Yes I said lie because no way on God's green earth am I getting into a vehicle with He Who Shall Not Be Named


BitterAsHellBitch said...

Lol good idea but i think ill be like oh crap i forgot i told my cousins they could come 2day 2 spend the day with me...lame but more believable considering my seemingly uneventful life

. said...

Ha! Uneventful! I know beat you back triple time -_- But at least you're off the hook from any one who broke your heart.