
Friday, December 25, 2009

what i just read on yahoo answers, lol so true

im tell you right now, gemini are the worst to go after. gemini is basically good for a good fling and will not last very long maybe 3 weeks max! while they are messing with you they are looking for there next obsession. you guys might have a sexual attraction but to geminis.. he has sexual attractions to everyone and only wants a good lay at the end. you are going to set your self up to get hurt. please back off while you can.

gemini do not like relationships. they are an air sign basically going to one girl after another with not strings attached and they will never feel emotional about someone. they are cold hearted im telling you this now.. and as a cancer, yes you are very sexual but you are always clingy and once you get closer you will want more.. and a gemini will only expect a one time thing and that's it..

good luck.. and please don't go after him for his looks, a gemini is not worth you crying, and getting hurt at the end and for someone you will never be with at the end.


experince.... very bad... =/
  • 4 months ago

Friday, December 18, 2009


i think i'm still in love with b-------