
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Yesterday was THE WORST

So if you remember, I failed my cw in that specific course Well i flew across y2d 3 am  to attend the first lecture and she told me NOT to come into her class, the fact that Im here show's that im being manipulative and if all i have to do is prepare a case presentation for the last lecture I do not need to be here. I explained to her that I didnt want to miss any information relevant to the presenattaion and she said thats not her problem, I am NOT to come into her class and disrupt the flow of it by being there

1 comment:

. said...

:( I'm sorry about this, WHy is she acting like such an ASS? GODDAMIT -_- I wish I could say flick her and let all be well, but jeez, don't the heads or at least the guild have something to say, can't they help? That's cruel.