Ok im prematurely eulogizing it because I want to, its my blog and I can!
1) Religion is the opium of the masses- I hated sociology and this is the ONLY thing I remember from those classes but im pretty sure whoever said it did not mean religion is a drug that you must take and force down someone's throat even if it isnt theirs
2) Money Can buy happiness-So during my vacation I was asked to help teach in a school, i did so for 6 days 8 hours daily, got my paycheck yesterday, 60 US. Have you ever seen the movie eurotrip and they only had like 15 cents but had a ball because the exchange rate was so low? Bitch 60 us is basically toilet paper, so in ur bible school you are gonna gloss over the passage that says
"Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired." 19:13
3) Ill be watching you- This may sound mean but she's 17, she's slow and she's under my bed, sometimes in the dark ill hear a noise and realize she's standing inside the closet staring at me, or in the hallway just looking in, FOR AN HOUR + Its kind of weird, i really wud love to know the diagnosis because she functions semi normal. However i think the meds need to be tweaked a little bit more if you leave a conversation with me to joke for half hour with a pillar.
Three More Days...