Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ok im a meanie i know, but i think appearances are the only thing we;re given when faced with a character like A.G. I mean what 20 sumtin yr old has a goatee AND an afro...Baby we were born of that century no born to carry it. Ne ways when u say ur gonna add me on msn mssgr my instant thought is block and delete, excuse..."im never online" but u see when u follow up that suggestion with the question if im gonna talk 2 u u put me in an awkward...eek. I think i did the right thing, pretend i didnt hear it all...soryy. Ok idiot, ur losing major points already. IDK how ferris bueller played it sick for an entire day, that was firetrucking hard work, but i wanted some love and affection, i got like 30% of what i really wanted, kisses hugs, heading to work late, extra attention...U see me, ill find someone who gives me the percentage i want. Move over B
Friday, September 19, 2008
Todays day

Ok emmy jus asked me to hook him up on someone. Not difficult but says a lot about our friendship. At one point in time i thought i had a crush on him. He's a great guy, not horrible looking but no Jude Law (ooh baby)
So onto looking i will, any good girls, 22 and under, reading this, willing to date a guy in canada mssg me. Ok onto topic number 2 of the day, relationships and great sex. Yesterday B stayed home and i was priveledged enuff to geta day of mind blowing sex followed by dinner. Yeah we not together, but hey I dont kno, Its not no strings attached or, all emotions barred but to me and to him i guess it means something but lets get down 2 bizness. Ok yah, simma says she gonna stay celibate till she's married and i keep wondering if she knows what she's gettin hersel into cuz thats a humongous risk. He could be small, be impotent, be selfish, be domineering and all those factors. I for one am glad that i didnt wait
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ah wee boy, idk wtf that sayin mean but i am bun...and i ask myself why is it white ppl suntan?? Black as i am ill never understand it. I spent 2 days in 2bago and ache all over, my face is peeling, my ass is swollen and white ppl call tanning fun...Craz
y ass mofos. Neways bago was fun, i saw my bestie off to england again sob, its only 3 months. Then we on da prowl!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ok scurred shitless!!!
OK SERIOUSLY SCARED!!!! Final yr coming around which means final year project. Ok i dont usually m
ind projects but the analyzing of data is so fuckingly scary. Now im rethinking my psychology degree. I know i shouldnt, its what ive wanted to do for ages now and im really fortunate to be given this bla bla bla, but still i fruckin suck and numbers. I thought doing pscyhology was a free pass from not doing math forever and ever amen! Tuff luck, all the statistical analyses, post tests and pretests are tools of the devil to ensure im perfectly mad by the time i depart from university... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ok my day

Ive finally decided to become an avid blogger, not one who says hey im gonna start a blog then disaparecer shortly after. I mean it isnt really that difficult! I have a lot to say and i love to write, so here goes. This week is freshers week in uwi... haha!!! Technically all the freebies are for the freshers. Yeah rite, not gonna happen! This far ive gotten a fruta, some orchard, some hair products, a t-shirt a sasha discount card bla bla bla... Still I want more.I mean where are the good freebies??? For the past 2 days there have been cars parked out in the yard for show, why tantalize us pedestrians with a motor vehicle when ur not giving them away. If after u read this blog u decide ur giving one away i want a hot pink mini thank you very much. Now on the matter at hand, how the fuzz do u tell someone who broke ur heart not once but twice that u love him too? Should u? Could u forgive? Is it really once a cheater always a cheater? Should i make u wait? Was telling you i hate u ur turning point? Why is it that when we see something leaving we decide its necessary, its ur all, u love and u dont want it to leave? Please I seriously need to know, cuz how come the relationship you couldnt end, the nonesense u couldnt stop suddenly ceases when i say goodbye!!!! Im something special! Just wait and see

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