Ive finally decided to become an avid blogger, not one who says hey im gonna start a blog then disaparecer shortly after. I mean it isnt really that difficult! I have a lot to say and i love to write, so here goes. This week is freshers week in uwi... haha!!! Technically all the freebies are for the freshers. Yeah rite, not gonna happen! This far ive gotten a fruta, some orchard, some hair products, a t-shirt a sasha discount card bla bla bla... Still I want more.I mean where are the good freebies??? For the past 2 days there have been cars parked out in the yard for show, why tantalize us pedestrians with a motor vehicle when ur not giving them away. If after u read this blog u decide ur giving one away i want a hot pink mini thank you very much. Now on the matter at hand, how the fuzz do u tell someone who broke ur heart not once but twice that u love him too? Should u? Could u forgive? Is it really once a cheater always a cheater? Should i make u wait? Was telling you i hate u ur turning point? Why is it that when we see something leaving we decide its necessary, its ur all, u love and u dont want it to leave? Please I seriously need to know, cuz how come the relationship you couldnt end, the nonesense u couldnt stop suddenly ceases when i say goodbye!!!! Im something special! Just wait and see

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