Stop pulling out your hair!! Please!!! I know it feels good when you pull out the ones that are rooted deep and cause pain but think of the patch you'll get. I know you cant help it, you do it when you're nervous or upset or stressed. Are you always all those things now. Your hair will look a mess, just stop!! Take your hands out of your head
I pull out my hair as well, but not to point of patches. Actually I pull from my groin.
But I've found the only way to actually deal with the addiction is to manage the stress level.
I have this problem almost all the time. Sometimes I scare myself with the thought of patches and stop. It was almost as bad as my nail biting habit. Stress is harsh. School, work, life in general. Things just like to happen that makes you wanna pull your hair out or make your hair drop.
Dammit, I don't know what to say to help here. Frack, ummmmmz, smoke weed? :S I dunno :( How school chic, you doing ok ? :)
Weed? Me? I think my luck these days is so down i may get caught and arrested and put in a bajan prison 2 rot. Im ok, really trying 2 get accustomed 2 ur new name, in fact for a while i thought u left blogspot all together. School is upping the ante on stress, im just saying my woo sah's
I feeling like mess -_- So I changed it -_- Oh gosh, Bajan jail sounds not cool :( Nah, I wouldn't leave blogspot, I think I'm hiding from someone who followed the old url, only my followers can find me now. I hate school dread, we got our exam timetable already -_- When you come back to Trinidad, would you object to meeting up and hanging out? If you would object is no scene eh :) I know I being real fwd ><
Hope u feel better, well all i know is my exams end on may 13th and begin april 27th, lucky us, what a long time span. I was actually thinking itll be cool if we hang out cuz we live near enough to one another n i actually know u from seeing u around n such.
It's a plan :)
btw, your exams start on my bday, how not cool -_-
Keep the blog updates coming chic ^^
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