She n i get along ok but im writing not aabout her byt about her relationship. Since i met her all she could talk about is her bf. He does this he does that. Sometimes it was sickening, sometimes it was adorable, sometimes it was enviable bcuz my own relationship at that time was mess. She answered the phone hey bb and u cud totally tell when he saw her he lit up. So he's for the sake of anonymity, a bricklayer and she's a msc student. And i had my doubts, eeeeeeeeeh really, wud it work? Convos revolved around the same issue. I stayed out of it because who am I to speak to someone about what makes them happy. Fastforward to this semester, they're done. Why? Because he doesnt understand how stressful it is to do both a msc and a relationship and has been demanding the same level of attention b4 she began the degree. So i hear my aunt in my head (who is single btw) saying u can only be fulfilled in a relationship if you and ur pathner are equally yolked. On the same playing field. Have the same level of ambitions. And i wonder if it is true. Could a ceo happily and etenrally marry a garbage man? Or is it just a matter of pride that gets in the way. *KANYE SHRUG*
Ah bricklayer? :S That makes sense though, your aunt is right, speaking from experience?
My dad, when he met my mum was a welder, never went to high school, while she was a bank teller in Scotia Bank. And now, well, is plenty years later and they married :S
Maybe it can work out, if the person who not as "yolked" as the other is sweating ambition. Cause today my Dad is an amazing person etc etc. It could work out, who knows.
Btw, my exams started :( Ur start at the end of the month right?
I was jus going 2 ask how urs started bk so soon then i remember you went bk out b4 me. Exams begin on the 29th eek. And i havent opened a book due to the mountains and mountains of projects. Hope u do well, in fact i know u will
Girl, i open my book yesterday -_- so meh, I hate to study before time -_-
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