
Sunday, March 4, 2012

I think my paitience is being tested

Oh dear god kill me now, run me over. And honestly I dont care for a funeral. This cannot be it?? I know im moaning and whining for the past 5 months over something that has been a reality for some people's past couple years but please, let $3800 a month not be my reality after having studied for both a bsc, and a msc with 2000 in loans a month....Im left with basically nothing. And to top it all off, the mother gets a new job, is flaunting her uniforms and the sister gets made permanent, both having only studied up to cxc. I tried to be happy for the friend who told me she got a new job friday, or the one whose byline i saw today, but im fucking jealous and becoming more and more depressed. Im beginning to realize life isnt fucking fair and maybe i should have just said fuck school and done something else. Its sad, its reality. I really just want enough money to move out and have my own place. Last sunday that ungrateful did something violent towards me as a joke and the mother said not a fucking word. It hurts. The father on the other hnd yelled at me. I fucking hate my life sometimes.  Dear god help me, $6000 a month will surely suffice me being close to that goal. Im emotionally drowning and tired of those who are supposed to be my family because they really never ever support me and my shit. and no1 understands because everything for them is so honky dorey. 

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