
Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 6: Do you know?

How do you know that you screwed up as a parent? When you end up with one screwed up kid. How do you know you really screwed up? When the other kid screwed up even more and you ignore it. Fact is, life sucks. Fact is, my life sucks. But thats life I guess. Yeh right! Then why are some people happy. Then why do some people pretend to be happy to make the world seem more liveable? Why standards for some, and no standards for others? You raise one to be responsible, always aware of the rules and when bullshit happens, that role goes out the window and she is told to forget everything I indoctrinized in you. Forget it all. You no longer matter. All you were taught no longer matter. Recklessness and randomness runs the show. So i say screw you. One crying child is more important than the other. I will move out and forget you. You taught me to forget things. I will forget you, your rules and my former life

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